AutoMIStar is a software package with automated processing, analysis and visualization of CT/MRI images including CTP, CTA, NCCT and DWI.
It provides quantitative perfusion- and diffusion-related parameter maps together with characteristic threshold maps and volumes reflecting tissue pathophysiological status.
Data courtesy of
Prof. Mark Parsons, Melbourne Brain Centre, Royal Melbourne Hospital;
Prof. Chris Levi, John Hunter Hospital;
A/Prof. Timothy Kleinig, Royal Adelaide Hospital;
Prof. Kenneth Butcher, University of Alberta.
Links to stroke projects:
INSPIRE - International Stroke Perfusion Imaging Registry
Database Login
MOSES - Monitoring Of Stroke Endovascular Services
Database Login
TACTICS - Telehealth and Advanced CT Imaging Combined Study
Virtual Reality Acute Stroke Training
ETERNAL - Extending the time window for Tenecteplase by Effective Reperfusion of peNumbrAL tissue in patients with Large Vessel Occlusion
TASTE - Tenecteplase versus Alteplase for Stroke Thrombolysis Evaluation Trial
TWIST - Tenecteplase in Wake-up Ischaemic Stroke Trial
PRACTISE - Penumbra and re-canalization acute computed tomography in ischemic stroke evaluation
Systematic Image Review System
TIPS - Thrombolysis ImPlementation in Stroke
TOTO - Targeting Optimal Thrombolysis Outcomes
ATTUNE - ATrial fibrillation in sTroke: Utility of Neuroimaging Evaluation
MIDAS2 - Modafinil In Debilitating Fatigue After Stroke 2
ENCHANTED - Enhanced Control of Hypertension and Thrombolysis Stroke Study
TGI Imaging Database
INTERACT4 - Intensive Ambulance-delivered Blood Pressure Reduction in Hyper-Acute Stroke Trial
TGICN Imaging Database
VST - Victorian Stroke Telemedicine
SSCN - Queensland Statewide Stroke Clinical Network